Dragon Classics

One stop shop for all things

Citroën H



Auto Repair & Restoration

Metalworking, fabrication, electrical, minor and major restoration, all mechanical (engine, gearbox, brakes, steering, suspension) and more. When you specialize in HY you have to know how to start and finish the project. Licensed and insured, our team has a great wealth of knowledge to solve any problems. All in-house service comes with 6-month warranty.




All estimates are free and flexible according to your unique HY



It’s had a Heart transplant which is why it feels and drives so much better.
— Ed China, Wheeler Dealers
Another thank you today has to go to Arwel and the team at Dragon Classics.

You guys came to our and Éttie’s(Their H Van) rescue and we can’t thank you enough for being such a great source of vintage Éttie parts.

Thank you again and I’m sure we’ll be using your excellent services again.
— Vickie Corney-Young, The Street Pantry
I can’t believe it took me so long to find someone I could trust to work on my HY. There aren’t many in the business who can do every step of restoration on these vehicles.
— Darren Jones, Customer



We promise to deliver a competitive and valuable service without compromising quality or workmanship.



About Us

Richard, arwel, & Geraint

We are Richard and Arwel, the engineering team who developed the Wheeler Dealers Ford Engine Transplant for their Citroen H van; and specialize in mechanical and body work fabrication.

Geraint's skill set is in rebuilding classic and new engines alike that we use in our HY vans.